The Arabic Online Dyslexia Screener

Arabic Online Dyslexia Screener

The Arabic Online Dyslexia Screener aims to screen for dyslexia through the online administration of 7 sub-tests. The screener provides a Dyslexia At Risk Indicator and a severity index. In case there is a risk of dyslexia, the screener will confirm it and estimates its severity. The screener is useful in providing quick and easy indicator for parents at home or educators at schools who can take quick decisions to monitor the performance of students at risk and intervene early when necessary.

The Arabic dyslexia online screener produces an instant report that can be saved and shared about the performance of the child in both Arabic and English and can therefore be utilized by schools in their admission process and in their progress monitoring efforts to follow up with those who need help and support in their Arabic reading.

Training Courses

Training Courses

Here is a list of some of our current available training courses (that are available in English and in Arabic):

  • Classroom Management
  • Fundamentals of Reading in English
  • Fundamentals of Reading in Arabic
  • Dyslexia Assessment
  • Dyslexia Intervention in the General Classroom
  • Increasing students’ Motivation to Learn
  • Fundamentals of Learning Disabilities
  • Differentiation in the General Classroom
  • Attention & Learning
  • Memory & Learning
  • Brain-Based Learning
Training Courses

Genius Reader 1 Programme

The Genius Reader 1 Programme is a specialized therapeutic educational intervention program to teach reading skills at the word level in the Arabic language, starting from the first grade of kindergarten until the end of the second grade of primary school in most Arab countries (skills covering 4 years of study) for dyslexic students (dyslexia - that is, students with special learning difficulties). in reading).

Arabic Genius Reader 1

Arabic Genius Reader 1

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Story Collection Alone

Story Collection Alone

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Extra Story Collection

Extra Story Collection

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Cards Alone (4 Groups)

Cards Alone (4 Groups)

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1 Group of Cards

1 Group of Cards

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Extra Trainee Book

Extra Trainee Book

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التغيير الجذري في 7 خطوات

التغيير الجذري في 7 خطوات

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دليل اختيار المدرسة المناسبة لأبنائك في مصر

دليل اختيار المدرسة المناسبة لأبنائك في مصر

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الدسلكسيا دور المعلم في توفير المساعدة

الدسلكسيا دور المعلم في توفير المساعدة

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الدسلكسيا دور ولي الأمر في توفير المساعدة

الدسلكسيا دور ولي الأمر في توفير المساعدة

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Assessing Dyslexia: A Teacher’s Guide to Understanding and Evaluating their Pupils’ Needs

Assessing Dyslexia: A Teacher’s Guide to Understanding and Evaluating their Pupils’ Needs

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Motivating Students with Dyslexia: 100 Ideas for Empowering Teachers in the Classroom

Motivating Students with Dyslexia: 100 Ideas for Empowering Teachers in the Classroom

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The Routledge International Handbook of Dyslexia in Education

The Routledge International Handbook of Dyslexia in Education

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Assessing Children with Specific Learning Difficulties: A teacher's practical guide (nasen spotlight)

Assessing Children with Specific Learning Difficulties: A teacher's practical guide (nasen spotlight)

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Motivating Children with Specific Learning Difficulties: A Teacher's Practical Guide

Motivating Children with Specific Learning Difficulties: A Teacher's Practical Guide

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Handbook of Literacy in Africa

Handbook of Literacy in Africa

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Our Arabic Online Dysleixa Screener Partner Schools
